Tired of the stress of the city and the cold?
- Fat up of carrying heavy layers of clothes and daily curing dry skin?
- Do you want the sun, the sea and the healing fresh air rich with iodine?
- Do you want to restore blush, eye gloss and tender skin ?
- Would you like to get rid of a few pounds added over the winter and rejuvenate the body, make it beautiful again with great shape?
We invite you to immerse in the magical TriYoga energy flow in the spectacular place of sunny Spain! It’s coming soon – already in May !
Prana-inspired and systematically introduced, TriYoga unites breath and mudra with dynamic and sustained postures.
When the movement of body, breath and mudra harmonize, the inner flow of prana is experienced.Yogini Kaliji
Santiago de La Rivera is located at the unique Blue Lagoon Mar Menor, in the area of the natural park with special microclimate and muds.
What is to expect during the program:
- We start every morning Prana Vidya class on the beach. Breathing and meditation practices in the fresh sea air are supporting lunghs detox, massage of the internal organs, recover of breath flows, and telomer extension, increase of Alpha and Theta brain waves.
- Classes of TriYoga FLows twice. TriYoga is a complete hatha yoga method founded by world renown Yogini Kaliji.“In the tradition of ancient yoga, the origin and continuing development of TriYoga is guided by kriyavati siddhi as expressed through Yogini Kaliji. With this inspiration, she has fully systematized hatha yoga asana, pranayama, and dharana, from Basics to Level 7, establishing the comprehensive TriYoga method.”
“TriYoga fundamentals include relaxation-in-action, wave-like spinal movements and economy of motion. With the systematic approach, students can remain with Basics or progress to subsequent levels. Within each level, students increase their knowledge of posture and flow, as well as strength, flexibility, endurance and breath control. Through sustained awareness on all aspects of the practice, the movement of body, breath and mudra harmonize and the inner flow naturally emerges.”
- Evening Satsanga with Q&A and special topics (could include: practical anatomy, partner stretch, meditation, ahimsa lifestyle, mudras)
- Fresh plant-based meals, specially prepared by the local nutritionist and vegan chef ~ Life energy food rich in vitamins, micro elements and antioxidants
- Free time daily to enjoy the natural beauty of Mar Menor, Europe’s largest salt-water lagoon known for its unique microclimate, mineral muds, and fresh sea air.
Santoshi Devi is among the most experienced TriYoga teacher trainers worldwide.
A student of TriYoga since 2001, and having studied directly with Yogini Kaliji since 2003, Santoshi has been teaching internationally since 2008. She has taught over 5000 hours of teacher training and 1500 hours of workshops, seminars and classes in more than 20 countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the North America. She is fortunate to have the opportunity to study with and assist Kaliji at workshops and conferences in the US, online, and worldwide.
Daily Schedule:
2 May
18:30–19:30 Welcome and Dinner
20:30–21:30 Satsanga and Q&A. Introduction to the retreat
3–5 and 7 May
7:30 – 8:30 Prana Vidya (at the sea shore)
8:30 Smoothie Break
9:30 –11:30 TriYoga Prasara – Flow
11:30–12:30 Brunch
12:30–16:00 Free time
16:00–18:00 TriYoga Prasara – Flow
18:00–19:00 Dinner
20:30–21:30 Satsanga/Special topics
6 May (Sightseeing day)
7:30–8:30 Prana Vidya
9:30 Sightseeing; includes picnic lunch
8 May
7:30–8:30 Prana Vidya
8:30 Smoothie Break
9:30–11:30 TriYoga Prasara – Flow
11:30–12:30 Brunch and farewell
Tuition: (excluding meals, sightseeing and accommodation)
Full program €320 (29hours)
Prana Vidya + 2 hour morning class €215 (16 hours)
Prana Vidya only €90 (6 hours)
Full program registrations given priority
Other expenses
Meals (smoothie, brunch, dinner – 100% plant based, vegan) – €108
Sightseeing day (includes transportation and lunch) – €50
Accommodation – cosy family run 3 star hotel Mar Menor. Double room is EUR 45 per room per day. Other options are to be arranged individually. Please contact us for accommodation options.
TriYoga Practices ~
- Accelerate the transformation of body, mind and spirit
- Increase flexibility, strength and endurance for healthy muscles, tendons and ligaments
- Develop a supple spine and a dynamic nervous system
- Maximize the power of digestion, assimilation and elimination
- Invigorate the immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Purify and strengthen the vital organs and glandular system
- Awaken positive qualities such as emotional balance, mental clarity and self-confidence
- Illuminate the intellect to higher understanding and the realization of intuitive knowledge
- Expand awareness and allow the energy to flow
Register and for the additional information please contact admin@magicgreenkitchen.com or
Екатерина Ивченко (Ekaterina Ivchenko) @ ivchenkoes@gmail.com
Светлана Осинская (Lana Svitlana Osinska) @ oslana.so@gmail.com