Breakfast & Brunch
Vegan climate ETF. Stuffed squash recipe.
In November I attended the ICMA (International Capital Markets Association) program in London devoted to the growing role of women in ESG finance and sustainable projects. During the structured networking I met a young women, the 1st year postgraduate, she just joint a couple of month ago to the capital […]
Carrot and fennel carpaccio recipe.
To be translated soon
Pancakes and kisses don’t like to be counted during the Carnival. Fermented pancakes simple recipe
Why are pancakes round? There is an explanation that pancakes symbolize the sun (just as ruddy, round and yellow), this is why spring is being celebrated with the pancakes during the Carnival. In Europe Carnivals go full swing in February. During Women’s Carnival Thursday (this year its on March 8) […]
How to laugh the way to the Nobel Prize. Baked orange sauce temphe recipe.
When 70 year old Bernard Shaw was asked about how he was feeling, he answered: Wonderful, wonderful, but doctors are bothering me with their statements that I will die because I don’t eat meat. When 90 year old Shaw was asked same question again, he answered: Wonderful. No one is bothering […]
3 super magical seaweeds. Green cocktail recipe.
The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat. Jacques Cousteau I may finally have figured out how can mermaids enchant sailors, even princes. Andersen of course did not disclose this secret […]
Flax is a flora diamond. Super flax seeds porridge recipe.
The kid went into the wet ground, he found a blue cap. Flax is a true diamond in the collection of nature. A plentiful plant with sky blue flowers of an amazing beauty grows from the tiny seed. Fotо СС 3.0 author D.Gordon E.Robertson filter Festive. Mankind has discovered the magic properties […]
Secret of ancient aztec stamina. Chia pudding recipe.
According to the Codex Mendoza, dated approximately 1547, chia seeds were one of the Aztec’s main food staples, after corn and beans, ahead of amaranth. Other sources show that chia was fist mentioned by Aztecs in 3500 BC. Between 1500 and 900 bc it was cultivated by Aztecs in the […]
Kelli’s vegan kitchen. Probiotic cashew cheese recipe.
When you see happy people, ask who is their cook. Liberian saying. I just realised that it’s partly Kelli’s fault that I became happy vegan. In historical (for me) March 2009, I came first time to California to spend a week in the presence of magic Yogini Kaliji, to practice […]
Mysterious artists of galaxies. Cashew mylk yogurt recipe.
June just started and already managed to surprise: it is snowing n Moscow and St. Petersburg, snow in summer? For me personally, June was marked with the beginning of my work in Сhallenge 22+, where I discovered so many new sensational vegan recipes. The amazing recipes can be matched only […]