I met Paloma on the weekly online coffee meeting of Beyond Animals community and thought it would be so wonderful to publish her interview in the blog. Paloma has developed the unique talent to understand, to talk and to interpret animal languages. Paloma is a professional animal communicator. You started […]
Deserts, pies and pastry
Pear Blossom. Almond Pear Tart Recipe. 100% vegan.
Their cold beauty is – like fresh untouched snow. light faint scent entered in my clothes the spring wind is not slowing down even for a moment it blowed to the jade porch sweet scented snowdrift (Qui Wei (694 -789 гг) The best Chinese poets song the beauty of pear […]
Business – recipe for sweet life from Elena Trusova. Apple – apricot pie recipe.
Today at The Green Kitchen our guest is an author of the project “Sweet Life without remorse” Elena Trusova. Elena resides in Tallinn, Estonia, but frequently visits Moscow and Kazan in Russia, where she shows how to prepare healthy sweets, with a possibility to taste afterward all these masterpieces of […]
Where to buy vegan perfume. Live jam recipe.
“Do you have vegan perfume?” I walked into Staudigl – the natural cosmetic and perfume shop located Downtown Vienna, 2 steps away from St. Stephen’s. This is how I made a festive lunch for myself in honor of March 8 (International Women’s Day) – I let masculine force take care […]
Raw vegan tiramisu recipe.
Raw vegan tiramisu recipe.
Pancakes and kisses don’t like to be counted during the Carnival. Fermented pancakes simple recipe
Why are pancakes round? There is an explanation that pancakes symbolize the sun (just as ruddy, round and yellow), this is why spring is being celebrated with the pancakes during the Carnival. In Europe Carnivals go full swing in February. During Women’s Carnival Thursday (this year its on March 8) […]
Viennese sweet fairy. Vegan Chestnut Cream Cake Recipe.
It used to be easy to be vegan in Vienna. While strolling through bakery together with a friend, looking at the 25 + delicious cakes, but none is vegan. One of my colleagues (we are over 100 in the open space just on the trading floor) invites me to celebrate […]
Why is the avant-garde of fashion saying no to fur. Vegan lemon biscuit recipe.
Modern technologies allow us not to use fur at all because of the existing analogues with similar qualities as fur. Gucci CEO Marko Bizzarri I was planning to post about rapidly growing segment of faux fur coats “Organic finance” in September, but had to adjust my plans. Which turned out […]
Secret of ancient aztec stamina. Chia pudding recipe.
According to the Codex Mendoza, dated approximately 1547, chia seeds were one of the Aztec’s main food staples, after corn and beans, ahead of amaranth. Other sources show that chia was fist mentioned by Aztecs in 3500 BC. Between 1500 and 900 bc it was cultivated by Aztecs in the […]
Details are everything. Vegan rhubarb tart recipe.
Do you have a plan, Mr Fix? Yes, I have 3 plans. Should Mr. Fix live in our time, he could have a successful consulting business for entrepreneurs and bloggers. He has certainly learned from his own experience that the implementation of any project depends on the degree of detail […]