Hooray! We are opening the rubric featuring our readers and friends recipe. The Magic Green Kitchen is very happy to receive guests. What could be more wonderful than meeting friends over a cup of tea. And for tea it would be fantastic to make something sweet. The recipe of this […]
Deserts, pies and pastry
Green investments are gaining momentum. Chocolate Avocado Mousse Recipe.
What Mr Trump was talking about for so long during his election campaign came true. President of the United States Donald Trump officially canceled the program to combat climate change. What was the financial market reaction? The yield of the Green Sustainable fund in my personal investment portfolio surged by […]
Culinary secret of the House of Windsor. Victoria Sponge Recipe.
I’ve got carried away. I took fancy for English TV series. Avidly…I am watching several series in a row. And it was not Sherlock I fell in love for. This passion began with “Hotel Halcyon”, there were a lot of intriguing ingredients mixed into an exciting story, magically unfolding every […]
Magical coincidence. Vegan potato crust quiche recipe.
“How do you like my blog?” – I feel brave to ask finally my colleague Francesco, the head of a large Italian family. “You see” – he is approaching the topic in a very diplomatic manner. – “You’re writng about these salads and soups, but I am interested in a real […]