“How does the Georgian cuisine begin? You’ll never guess,” the colleague is teasing me. He certainly knows, he’s from Tbilisi. He smiles, but does not hurry to disclose the key. The riddle solution I found in the folio of the famous gastronomic historian and the fellow of the Geographical Society of […]
Side dishes
New season. 3 recipes with asparagus.
How to prepare asparagus. Wash the asparagus, cut 1 -4 cm from a hard and practically tasteless base (the length depends on the asparagus). The top of asparagus is very tender, so peel the lower part of the spear (3/4 length, leaving 1/4 upper part untouched). There are special asparagus peelers, […]
Blogger, botanist and manager of the Empress Catharine. 3 Cauliflower recipes.
The cauliflower appeared in Russia thanks to Catherine the Great, and it arrived on our table thanks to the scientist, philosopher, writer, economist, manager and agriculturist Andrey Timofeyevich Bolotov, who developed the cold-resistant plant adoptive the Russian severe climate. Bolotov started to study agricultural farming in his small estate to […]
Let’s sing and dance, treat with pancakes. Pumpkin pancakes recipe.
Where pancakes and here we are, where oladyii (small pancakes) there is fine. Pancakes are truly prehistoric meal, one of the first dishes made from wheat. Different variations of pancakes can be found almost in any cuisine in the world. Alhtough oladyii, small thick fluffy pancakes, are a typical dish […]
Как сварить киноа за 30 минут
”Ты представляешь” – делится впечатлениями от первой командировки в Москву мой австрийский коллега, – “на бизнес завтраке в гостинице “Арарат Парт Хайят” финансовый директор крупного холдинга из всех разносолов и деликатесов выбирает кашу в горшочке”. В чем же секрет каши высокой кухни? Мне постоянно задают этот вопрос; как я так […]