To be translated soon
Not a day without a line video. Green salad with cabbage recipe
Since childhood Hollywood glory made my head spin. It all begun with the soviet television. Even before the elementary school i became a star in a magazine: as a little blonde with curls I turned out to be so photogenic on the frosty street, that a group from the central […]
Best food for brainpower. Pumpkin hummus recipe.
If there’s no love, what then? ― Leonardo da Vinci Are researchers of the Oxford University right when they claim that diet without meat causes brain to shrink? This study is often referred when one questions vegan diet being complete for one’s health. How about such geniuses as Albert Einstein, […]
Secret of ancient aztec stamina. Chia pudding recipe.
According to the Codex Mendoza, dated approximately 1547, chia seeds were one of the Aztec’s main food staples, after corn and beans, ahead of amaranth. Other sources show that chia was fist mentioned by Aztecs in 3500 BC. Between 1500 and 900 bc it was cultivated by Aztecs in the […]
Plant Based News – Business News. Baked buffalo wings from cauliflower.
According to Forbes, 24% of world billion fortunes have been made in financial markets. Warren Buffett, one of the most famous investors, makes his investment decisions applying principals of fundamental analysis. The news flow can significantly change the economic, political and business picture for market players, and therefore news is one […]
Kelli’s vegan kitchen. Probiotic cashew cheese recipe.
When you see happy people, ask who is their cook. Liberian saying. I just realised that it’s partly Kelli’s fault that I became happy vegan. In historical (for me) March 2009, I came first time to California to spend a week in the presence of magic Yogini Kaliji, to practice […]
Oh, she glows. Detox salad recipe.
Glows from inside out. Oh, she glows is one of the most popular vegan English speaking blog. This blog has been listed in the top ten vegan cooking blogs for several years in the row.Angela, the author, started it in October 2008 after a magical healing transformation, thanks to the […]
Ingredients matter. Bean paste recipe from Elena Petrova.
Guest coming into house – God coming into house. Our guest today is Elena Petrova, a big fan of a healthy lifestyle and fitness and she is fond of cooking. Lena is writing about these topics in her blog “Ingredients matter”. So birds of a feather flock together. Lena has transformed to a […]
5 organic vacation ideas or how to change the world. Strawberry avocado tomato tartare recipe.
Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want. This qoute of Anne Lappe, expert on the food systems and author of the book “Diet for a Hot Planet”, have been featuring again in connection with news about the vegan Saudi Prince Khaled […]
Top secret of Georgian cuisine. Eggplant satsivi recipe.
“How does the Georgian cuisine begin? You’ll never guess,” the colleague is teasing me. He certainly knows, he’s from Tbilisi. He smiles, but does not hurry to disclose the key. The riddle solution I found in the folio of the famous gastronomic historian and the fellow of the Geographical Society of […]