Where to find the cruelty free slipper for Cinderella. 3 favourite vegan shoes brands.

Every girl knows a super recipe to solve the problem: to buy a new pair of shoes.

Do you remember that in in the famous  comedy “Оverboard” it all starts with the incredible vast shoe cabinet for the  super shoe collection. In fairy tales, myths and epics there are so many magical shoes  — the red shoes, sandals with wings, seven league boots, the golden slippers, Cinderella’s slipper: after all, if she had not  have this  slipper, she  could not be a princess, and the fairy tale would not have  a happy end. There are also a lot of “shoe” souvenirs such as Russian base shoe, Dutch clogs, Austrian pantoffel,  shoe pendants.

Life is in the motion. Without a good durable comfortable shoes we could  not go far, so footwear production became  a huge industry.

Long time ago, humankind  had only the “baby” technology and very limited materials to produce shoes, therefore one of the most lasting “fabric” was the skin from animals. It was very expensive and accessible only to a tiny noble layer and the wealthy merchants. In Russia,for example,  the peasants wove bast shoes, in bad weather they wore puttees,  in the winter usually there were only one valenki (felt boots) in a household (probably the saying ” first come, first serve”  came from those times), and the Dutch klompen (clogs) were  carved from wood. Shoes were worn for a long time going through the constants repairs.

In the XX century the mankind has developed  mass animal production  and the cost of animal products fell sharply. New chemicals have been created to make the tanning faster and easier, so leather became  affordable.

At the same time technologies are advancing, new revolutionary materials are are progressing by leaps and bounds too.

Today, vegan shoes made from  eco materials cannot be distinguished from leather footwear.

These shoes are durable and easier to  clean.  They are comfortable and are  for every taste. Movie stars are shining in amazing designer vegan shoes on the red carpet.

Animal lover  Stella McCartney announced her brand cruelty free and  vegan. Although the vegan footwear world went  far beyond.

Here are my favourite 3 brands of  100% vegan shoes.

Noah – shoes  is a German producer  with Italian roots. I just love them and have been buying buy shoes from them for more than 5 years, they offer models for all occasions. Modern, fashionable and elegant design. A couple of years ago, the company expanded the range and added interesting  bags, gloves and winter hats. Price category is medium to  expensive;  the shoes price  starts from 70 Euros,  for bags — from 84 euros, although the larger part of sizes will not last till sales.

Beyond the skin is my another favorite brand from London (with the production set up in Spain). I am checking their site when I am looking for something special or really hot for a special occasion. They offer a rich choice from timeless classics in conservative black  to a special bride line. Some models may not fit to everyone or may not be very comfortable, but they are always glamour and impressive. If the model or size did not fit you can return them and get money  back or exchange for another pair. The store has a flexible discount policy and offers may offer deep discounts, sales or special promotions. If you have a special passion for a certain pair, but the price bites, you can probably wait until the seasonal sale. If your size is gone, there may be a good chance that there will be a similar model of your size. Thanks to Brexit  prices in pounds are more attractive and start from £ 85 (or 90 Euros). This golden beauty (the sandals)  on the cover is from Beyond the skin.

Anima — ethical shoes. Anima is my last year discovery, happened just in time at  the winter beginning. European manufacturers make only  light winter options that fail to stand   Moscow winter rhythm and temperature. But the founder of Anima Anna Kravets created the  right winter solution, because St. Petersburg, where she lives, experiences  even tougher  winter. I was not sure  about the size, so I contacted Anna. She explained me how to take  the measures and checked my numbers with the shoemakers. Almost next day, my winter boots arrived in Moscow where were waiting for  my January visit. They are  very comfortable and stable, and look much more stylish than on the pictures. I have  shoes from Anima for spring and summer. The prices range starts from 3800 rubles ( app eur 55). Anna and the team are constantly developing new ideas, models and materials, their footwear is hand crafted, and can be ordered as per personal measures. (Winter shoes in the video).

2 more interesting names, I would like to try.

Matt&Nat.  Well known vegan handbag brand   launched a line of vegan shoes last year. Prices starts from 80 Euros. I love their bags , durable, comfortable and elegant, keep shape and style for long time. No one could believe that bags are vegan, even after touching them. (the red bag featuring in video is from Matt&Nat).

Az-art is a Moscow brand launched in 2015 by a young designers team. My special thanks to Elena Zvonkova for the reference . “We want our footwear to thrill the customers” – Svetlana Rybakova, the founder of the company, introduces the brand. The prices are affordable starting from 2950 rubles (less than 50 Euro). Shoes are made from textile, light nylon waterproofed  fabric,  eco – leather, casual and sporty styles are  dominating in the collections. I am truly excited, next time when I am in Moscow I am going there for shopping.

Say the enchanting  word MAGIC (affiliate program with my blog) and you will get a 5% discount for your purchase with Az-Art.

A couple of other useful references for super vegan shoes shopping.

Avesu is probably the largest vegan store in Europe with HQ  in Berlin. It offers  a wide range  of vegan models from  over 70 brands, vegan shoes of different styles and price ranges. They deliver within EU, Russia is not yet on their list.

Vega is a vegan shop in Amsterdam with an internet platform which offers vegan shoes, accessories and cosmetics of more than 10 different brands.
Alternative Outfitters is an American vegan boutique selling   vegan shoes, bags and accessories. The shop has a large footwear collection of different styles at affordable prices starting from $35 -40.
Bourgeois Boheme is  another London-based vegan shoes shop. Do you recall a  story of eco – fabric produced  from pineapple leaves fibres Penatex?  Bourgeois Boheme sells also  shoes from Pinatex. The prices starts from 120 pounds (or 130 Euro), the choice of models is rather limited.

Charmone is a hot designer boutique with stores in New York and San Francisco,   prices are from $ 300, but each  model is spectacular  and very impressive.

A cry from the heart  is an American youth designer boutique with a large selection of models and styles, the prices start  from 60 USD.

To be continued…






  1. Will’s Vegan Shoes
    Insecta shoes

    • екатерина

      Спасибо, классные модели, я не знала про туфли – насекомые. Такие красочные и радостные

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