I met Paloma on the weekly online coffee meeting of Beyond Animals community and thought it would be so wonderful to publish her interview in the blog. Paloma has developed the unique talent to understand, to talk and to interpret animal languages. Paloma is a professional animal communicator.

You started as an animal communicator in 2001, you will be celebrating in 2021 20-year anniversary, right?
Yes. The first professional communication was in November or December 2000.
Congratulations! Very solid date, although not very common specialisation. What did inspire you to become an animal communicator?
I have loved animals since I was a kid. I never wanted to eat meat or fish because animals were and are of course my friends and I don’t eat friends. This was very clear to me from an early age on.
I felt that the animals needed somebody to speak up for them, but I didn’t know how I was going to make it. I felt drawn to be a voice for the voiceless.
Then in the summer of 1998 I made a very interesting experience which led me to the telepathic animal communication.
From that moment on I knew that this was going to be what I would do for the rest of my life, help people understand their animal companion better and be a voice for the voiceless, that actually have a lot to say.
What are the key requirements to connect, to hear and to understand animals?
Anybody can hear and understand animals. We were born with the communication skill of conscious telepathic communication. The problem is that since nobody talked to us on a telepathic level, we forgot this language, which by the way is what it is, a language like any other language.
Telepathy is the language of the feelings. Animals and humans have the same feelings, and this is the basis on which we communicate.
Can anyone learn animal communication, or it is a gift inherited from genes?
Anyone can learn or better said re-learn conscious telepathic communication since we where already born with this skill.
If I would like to learn to communicate with my animal companion, what can I do?
The most important thing is that you feel what you want your animal companion to understand. Animals usually don’t understand words, but they understand feelings and states of emotion.
You can of course visit a course in animal communication with me.
I am currently working on a free guide to animal communication which will be available shortly. It is already available in German.
You also turned vegan 17 year ago. Did it change your communication with animals?
Not really. Before I turned vegan I was a vegetarian for about 10 years. When I learned about the milk and egg industry it was clear to me that I didn’t want to support such a crime. I have always respected the animals and I have always tried to protect them since I was a kid.
I was forced to eat meat when I was a kid, which was terrible for me. It made me feel sick every time.
When I re-learned to communicate with the animals it was the best what ever happened to me.
How your dream team came together?
My dream team has come together over time. Those are all animals who help me in my work. Everyone of them has a speciality. The first team member was Ljomi. He was the one who taught me how to connect to the other animals so I could talk to them too and not only him.
Any special requirements to join your dream team? (I am very impressed by your wonderful team, all of them are sooo cute)
To become part of my dream team the animal needs to be prepared to help me in any way I need it. All the animals in my dream team have been living with me before the passed away. Ljoma is right now the only one with a body all others are in spirit, but they are still supporting me.
Looking back, which moment, achievement, communication or business decision could you call the most important, we could toast with champagne (vegan of course) or a glass of an apple juice? And why?
The moment Ljomi showed me the channel I needed to connect with the animals in order to talk to them.
I had been learning animal communication from books and cassettes for over 2 years.
Then my teacher Penelope Smith came to Switzerland and I visited her courses. Unfortunately, nothing really seemed to work and there were so many participants that Penelope was not able to attend everybody individually.
Then there was this exercise in the advanced I course where we had to ask questions to our animal teacher. One question was “How can I improve the communication with animals?” I expected answers like all the other participants got like be patient, practice, listen etc.
However, I received a completely different answer. Ljomi said something like: “Take the feeling which you are feeling for me right now, feel it and transfer it to any communication. That’s it.”
From that moment on I was able to contact any animal I wanted and communicate with them.
Little did I know what that feeling was. I found out quite some time later, when I started teaching animal communication.
The reason why this is the moment is because without it, I don’t know if I had gone on learning animal communication because I was very frustrated at that time. It just didn’t seem to work with any other animal than Ljomi.
And a personal question – we are at the Green Kitchen, speaking about “green” plant ingredients. What is your favourite greens and why?
My favourite green is Nut lettuce. I can’t tell why but maybe it is because it is not available as much as other salads. For me it is a special salad. As a kid I always wanted to eat it but my parents didn’t like it and so I never got to eat it until I grew up and bought it myself.

Paloma also generosly shared a delecious recipe from her private vegan recipe collection. I tested the recipe and made the vegan pie. It was just beyond. My cats also loved it.
We (my cats and me) had a communication session with Paloma and it helps me to understand what Bella and Stella are missing and what could make all of us even more happier. Paloma read perfectly well the cats’s personalities (Extrovert and adventure lover Bella and introvert and cozy at home Stella).
Here is the post how I met the Austrian tigers of my dream Bella and Stella (together with the classical Austrian pumpkin soup recipe).

Apple Pie Recipe
Course: DessertDifficulty: Easy8
minutesDelicious easy to make vegan apple pie
3-5 apples dependant on apples and up to your taste
vegan puff pastry
sunflower seeds 1 – 2 Tbsp
a handful of raisins
2dl (1 cup) almond milk
a lemon
1 Tbsp chickpea flour
cinnamon powder
- Preheat oven to 180 degree C
- Place puff pastry on baking sheet that way, that there is a nice edge to keep the liquid on the pastry.
- Core apples and cut into thin slices. Spread the slices evenly on the pastry.
- Sprinkle raisins and sunflower seeds over apple pieces. Drizzle the pieces with the juice of one lemon.
- Mix almond milk, chickpea flour and pinch of cinnamon powder in a blender. Pour the mixture over the apples, fix the pastry edges nicely and put the tray in the oven.
- After about 35 minutes, the pie will be ready. Turn off the oven and leave it open a little. Let the pie cool down in the oven.