We all want to enjoy the beauty of life, to achieve goals, to ensure the future of children, right?
For the Magic Green Kitchen, I have been collecting practical recipes and recommendations for beauty, energy, vitality and health. We want to learn more and to accomplish more – live food and yoga practice are the support. More energy and greater health we have, then more fun and more interesting life we enjoy , and apparently less stress.
I am Ekaterina. With a technical university degree I have been in the corporate and investment banking for more than 20 years. The body efficiency and the accuracy and speed of thinking are important to me. In seeking for the most successful techniques I have discovered TriYoga (In my 20s I was actually a fan of judo and skiing). Having finished TriYoga Teacher Training I am a certified TriYoga teacher: yoga practice works great for me and my students to increase personal and business efficiency. Yoga improves not only the physical body and stress resistance, but also enhances cognitive skills and concentration.
My another passion is green plant based nutrition The green diet works fantastic not only for our health and beauty, but also for the health and beauty of our unique planet: modern mass meat and diary industries are highly toxic. Here is just one example: meat production for one burger consumes as much water as it is enough for 1 person’s daily shower during 3 months. It generates as much carbon dioxide as a car emits driving from St. Petersburg to Moscow!
And most importantly: the vegan diet does not kill animals, our neighbors on this planet, and does not make them suffer. For over my vegan 8 years, I made an incredible discovery : the plant based food is delicious and offers so many options and varieties. I follow updates from researchers and scientist : how green diet enhance immun system, reduces risks of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, neurological diseases and brain disorders.
My recipes are simple and do not require super exotic ingredients. With the tight work schedule it’s simply impossible otherwise ! I started to share my recipes on the dedicated FB page – to share the delicious treasures of our mother Nature with friends.
I am also on other social media now. Instagram, Twitter and VKontakte.
Detailed CV is here.
Now I live in Vienna, Austria (although I am originally from Russia, Moscow). I travel a lot, and I am sharing in the blog about business, yoga and just eco-style trips: where to go, what to see, what delicious and special l to eat, where to shop.As I am in finance, I opened a monthly column on conscious finance and green organic investments. For the detailed CV please refer here.
The blog co-authors are charming and highly intelligent Austrian cats, Strelka and Belka. They are trilingual and understand Russian, English and their native German (and tigers language of course). They are happy to test new products and often act as models. The story , how I met the cats of my dream, please read here.
Do you want to try new green food ideas? Do you like to know where to get the tasty snacks when travelling? Subscribe to my blog to be the first in the information flow: so you will be receiving updates on the new posts, monthly digests and new recipes and what else is going on the Magic Green Kitchen. Please be not shy. Please share the information with your friends and partners. Veganism is a modern world trend. Stay in the universal FLOW .
Special great thanks and deep pranams to my TriYoga Teacher Yogini Kaliji. Kaliji inspired me and supported me in the decision to transform to the vegan 100% plant based diet . Btw Yogini Kaliji has been on the vegan diet for more than 40 years.