British media recognised recently a new phenomenon: the Foggy Albion inhabitants love more and more a liquid food, the food to drink, but not to chew.
Oh, this impossible to translate English word smoothie.
It is an universal drink in the modern world: all healthy elements to place quickly in a glass:
and then Vzhzhzhzhzhzhzhik and it is ready.
Just drink right away a glass or pack into bottle to run to the office, to the beach or to sightseeing.
It is a great thing, if you take the calories and weight under control. Smoothies, unlike juices, where there are practically no fiber, is food. The digestive system recognizes the smoothies this way and assimilates it slowly. In contrary while drinking juice, a solid portion of sugar is coming quickly in the blood, an excess of sugar will be absorbed by the liver, synthesized and stored as a reserve, and turn into fat. On the other hand, a liquid smoothie digested faster and better than the comventional food, and nourish faster.
Greens, and vegetables, and berries, and fruits can be combined for the smoothie.
You can add healthy spirulina and wheat or barley grass, powder of Aztec magic berries acerola, a top source of vitamin C, or guarana for improving cognitive abilities (to replace coffee).
And the most important is that smoothies are just simply so delicious!
But stop talking, it is time to get down to business.
Recipe №1. Smoothie with parsley.
Ingredients (2-3 servings)
- banana – 2 pcs very ripe
- lemon or lime – 2 pcs
- parsley – a bunch
- water – 1 cup
- Wash the ingredients and peel off banana and lemon or lime.
- Ingredients cut into several smaller pieces, e.g. lemon in 4 parts.
- Place all in a blender, add water and mix well to obtain a smooth mass of soft texture (blend about 1 – 2 minutes, depending on the model and the power of your blender or food processor).
Recipe №2. Smoothie with kale.
Ingredients (2-3 servings)
- kale – 2 leaves
- persimmon – 1 pc of medium to large size
- orange – 1 pc of large size
- kiwi – 1 pc
- ginger – 1 -2 cm
- water – 1 cup
- Wash all the ingredients.
- Peel off the ginger, orange and kiwi. Remove the seeds and the stalk from persimmon.
- Cut orange, kiwi and persimmon cut into 4 – 6 parts, ginger into 2-3 pieces. Separate kale leaves from petiole and stem.
- Put kale leaves, ginger, oranges and persimmons in a blender, add water and mix well to get soft flowing texture. Time to mix varies and depends on the model and the power of your blender or food processor. Usually it takes 1 – 2 minutes.
Recipe №3. Smoothie with chard.
Ingredients (2-3 servings)
- chard – 2 leaves
- cucumber – 1/2 pc of medium size
- mango – 1/2 pc of medium size
- orange – 1 pc of large size
- cress sprouts – to taste (optional)
- water – 1 cup
- Wash the ingredients.
- Cut mango in half, lengthwise, along the stone. Peel off a half. Or cut parallel into the mango flesh (but not the fruit skin). Rotate the mango 90C and cut again parallel slices to make a checkerboard pattern. You can scoop the flesh with the spoon. Or turn mango inside out pushing skin skin up from underneath and cut the flesh by knife.
- Peel off orange and cut it into 4 – 6 parts.
- Separate chard leaves from the stem and petiole. Light young leaves can be used with stem.
- Cut cucumber into 3 – 5 parts. If the peel is very dense, remove it with a knife or peeler.
- Place all ingredients in a blender, add water and mix it to transform in a soft flowing texture. It takes usually 1-2 minutes and depends on your blender model.
If you want to make smoothies lighter, add more water, and vice versa, if you want a thick smoothie, then add 2/3 cup instead of 1 cup.
Do you like smoothies? What are your favorite ingredients? Do you like sweet or vegetable one?
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