Flax is a flora diamond. Super flax seeds porridge recipe.

The kid went into the wet ground, he found a blue cap.

Flax is a true diamond in the collection of nature.

A plentiful plant with sky blue flowers of an amazing beauty grows from the tiny seed.

Fotо  СС 3.0   author D.Gordon E.Robertson filter Festive.

Mankind has discovered the magic properties of flax seeds from the prehistoric times.

The earliest confirmation of textiles made of flax was found in Georgia in the Dzhudzhuanskaya Cave and dated from Early Paleolithic (approximately 30,000 years ago). Back  in ancient Egypt,  masters have  learned how to make thin yet strong canvas.

Flax is surrounded by a lot of legends and mythology.

There is a version of the story that the Argonauts quest to find the Golden Fleece was organized to find the secret for creating the finest yarn made out of flax which was worth its weight in gold.
It was rumoured that in the 19th century in the World London exhibition small lace scarf weighting just 56 gram  (1.98 oz) was sold for 724 grams (25.53 oz) of gold.

There is a Russian saying that turns out to be correct.

“The one who sows flax will reap gold”

Fairy tales of most of the words countries mention flax and spindle. Wonderful blue flowers had inspired Hans Christian Andersen to write a philosophic fairy tale about duality of the world, transformation, happiness, personal choice and eternity. Folklore  is rich with  riddles, proverbs and marks  about flax.

Head is eaten, body is tossed  and skin is worn.

Flax is not just wonderful as a  flower or fabric, but  flax seeds are real treasures for our health.

Flax seeds key health benefits:

  • It is  one of the most protein providers ( 18 grams of protein in 100 grams of seeds or 0.635 oz of protein per 3.527 oz).
  • Due to its  high fiber content it helps to normalize blood pressure (soluble digestible fiber), prevents constipation and support  gastronomical tract  (rich with non soluble fiber).
  • Flax seeds are rich with  lignans. Lignans are antioxidants and reduce the cancer risk.
  • It is a great  source of fatty unsaturated omega 3 acids (22.8 grams in 100 grams or 0.804 oz in 3.527 oz), same as chia seeds.
  • Flax seeds are rich in B & C  vitamins and loaded with nutrients, such as   calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • They lower blood’s bad cholesterol.
  • They help to lower weight and BMI.
  • It lowers body’s inflammation especially in the case of  overweight (BMI  over 30)

Wow, it turns out flax seeds is a real superfood, isn’t it?

Skin of the flax seeds is protecting all these treasures, in order to get to them, the seeds are to be grounded. But! It needs to be grounded just before using, otherwise fatty acids will be oxidized.
Seeds can be added to salads, when baking (due to the soluble fibers they can replace eggs in baking), to make  crackers, added to smoothies and other meals right before serving!

You need energy for the entire day? Super flax seed porridge can be made in 5 minutes ! Children will like it too.

Flaxseeds porridge recipe.

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Flax seeds – 2-3 Tb sp
  • Banana – 1
  • Juice from 1/2 of orange
  • Berries – handfull
  • Water – 1-2 Tb spoons


  1. Soak flax seeds overnight in a small amount of water to start the fermentation process for better digestion
  2. Peel banana off and cut it  into several pieces
  3. Blend the seeds, banana and orange juice (can use water instead of juice) into the homogeneous mixture
  4. Place the mass into a bowl and decorate with berries to serve.
    This is a basic recipe, can add your favorite flavours  such as ginger, raw cacao, acerola, turmeric, cinnamon etc.

This porridge has inspired me for my first video recipe.



“Snip, snap, snurre,
Basse lure:
The song is ended.”

But the little invisible beings said, “The song is never ended; the most beautiful is yet to come.”

Hans Christian Andersen.


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