What Mr Trump was talking about for so long during his election campaign came true.
President of the United States Donald Trump officially canceled the program to combat climate change.
What was the financial market reaction? The yield of the Green Sustainable fund in my personal investment portfolio surged by 1% by the end of the week, overplayed minor losses in mid-March.
Last year, I decided to add “green” shares to my investment portfolio and made a little research what the financial market could offer.
I was stunned with the result. The green & sustainable fund list Bloomberg generated upon my request contained more than a hundred funds offered by the leading asset managers including specialised funds, water or green energy, global or local. There are bond, stocks or mixed funds.
So I am not really original in my choice.
Investors around the world are voting with money for green and sustainable investments. You can read more on the sustainable principals in investments and financial markets in my post about the green banks.
Since 2012, investments in green and sustainable projects have grown by 76 percent and amounted to USD 6.57 trillion.
It is believed that the volume of such investments will grow up further, in accordance with the latest poll of Radel Yelder about half of all investors indicated that human capital, natural resources and social capital are important in making an investment decision.
In 2014, in accordance with the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, one of the six dollars invested in the US was invested in a sustainable projects. Analysts believe that this trend will also encourage more companies to disclose more data, and investors will ask for this information.
At the end of 2016, USD 8.7 trillion of investments applied the sustainable principles when investing, accounted for 135 percent of growth compared to 2012 level of USD 3.7 trillion.
According to Eccles, Ionnou & Serafeim, companies with clear environmental and social goals had share prices that outperformed those without those goals by 47 percent between 1993 and 2010; and that companies with better resource efficiency saw financial performance improve in sectors including food products, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and semiconductors.
Here are my personal 7 reasons why, despite the decision of US President D. Trump, I believe that the green and sustainable investments are attractive and continue to invest.
- Support for the ecology (Earth health) is an investment in the existence of our future.
- Eco – approach requires new modern technologies and innovations.
- A more careful and conscious approach to resources will helps to keep better costs control hence would generate greater profits. In the long term, this reduces the risk of resources scarcity the planet is facing.
- The long-term development planning and mission is expected to foresee and to mitigate future risks generally.
- Local community life involvement provides an opportunity to better and closer learn the market and establish a stable customer loyalty.
- Better information disclosures allow more accurately to understand the company business, analyze it and to make a better decision.
- No discrimiation in employment policies creates more professional teams which will be translated in a higher potential for innovations and higher adoptation to the changing market conditions.
For dessert today I made an avocado, actually the green recipe of chocolate mousse with avocado. It is very nice to have it as a breakfast too, as the mouse is very nurishing.
Chocolate avocado mousse recipe.
Ingredients ( 3-4 servings)
- Avocado – 1 pc
- Banana – 1 pc
- Cacao powder – 2 Tbsp
- Dates – 2 pcs
- Pine nuts – 1 Tbsp
- Water – 100 ml
- Or you can replace pine nuts and water with the nut ‘mylk’
- You can pre soak pine nuts and dates in water.
- Blend nuts and water for app 1 minutes into nut ‘mylk’.
- Take the seeds out of the dates and cut them into several pieces.
- Cut an avocado in halves, take out the seed, scoop avocado out of the skin, add avocado to the blender.
- Peel off banana, place into blender, add cacao powder and dates and blend into a smooth texture for app 1 – 1.5 minutes.
- Before serving you can place mousse into the fridge for app 15 – 30 minutes.
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