Finance industry is still very much male dominated. My colleagues launched the initiative to open the floor to women, who works in our bank Raiffeisen Bank International, driven, knolegeable and inspiring women at RBI, advocating a diverse future with equal opportunities. Thus, the regular columns in the monthly newsletter for our institutional clients (banks, investment funds, insurance companies and sovereigns) was born – the short interview with female colleagues. I supported the initiative and here is my answers (the original is per link).
Ekaterina was born in Moscow, the USSR, in 1971. She has been working at RBI since 2007 and is currently Director at Bond Syndication, IB. Her tasks include Eurobond syndication and placement on the Primary International Debt Capital Market.

She has two Austrian tigers from Mühlviertel aged 5, one can sing, another can swim. In her private life, she enjoys TriYoga practice and vegan life style.
What do you like most about your job?
I enjoy the high competitiveness of the space I am working in, it gives me inspiration for further development, as I believe the innovations and openness to learn is a mindset and has no age limit. I also love the combination of numbers and its analysis, the communication with so many different people in the organization and outside. To place the Eurobond successfully, you need to have a correct understanding of the market and find the right way to communicate it. I also like to observe the magical flow of the global international finance markets, analyze and predict its trends. And also to be surprised how the markets are opening every new day.
Do women communicate differently than men?
No and yes. We are all very special and different and everyone communicates based on personal experience, social environment, culture, values and education, knowing and understanding yourself. This is the beauty and benefit of diversification. I would say the same about the brain. Do women think differently than men? No. Although we have heard a lot of old fashioned clichés that the female brain is different (size, different chemical structure, not logical), a number of researches prove that the difference is very minimal, if any, and the skills and capacity of the brain rather depend on how well it’s trained and for which objectives.
What advice would you give a young, aspiring female colleague?
Be brave, do not take old clichés seriously, keep your sense of humor when you hear things like “ladies first / hi guys”. Trust in yourself and know your super powers, opt for the real challenges. When making up your mind to work for a market leader company, check the list of the management board members: What is the % of women managing the business?
P.S.: Eat plants and practice yoga; for staying calm, sharpening your mind and enhancing concentration and just to be happy. 😊

How I met the tigers I shared in the post ‘How to meets cats of your dream”. You can also find a classical Austrian recipe – pumpkin cream soup.
Staying on the topic, how to communicate with cats and animals professional animal communicator Paloma is telling in her interview to Magic Green Kitchen.